Here at Emmett’s we receive a lot of feedback about our produce from our customers and critics alike. Here is just some of what our people have had to say about us…
“For my money, one of the best rashers in the UK. Sweet and Tangy. No need for brown sauce on this beauty.”- The Times
“Whether sliced into bacon, sold as whole uncooked hams or boiled in Mark’s kitchen and cut to order, the Suffolk black’s hickory sweetness is a forceful presence at the festive table”- Rachael Oakden, Country Living
“Pick up some black Suffolk ham – dark, sticky, delicious.”- Alastair Sawday
“Did I buy some? Of course I did.”- Matthew Fort
“The skins are a rich mahogany colour and the care with which they are produced is certainly evident in their depth of flavour.”- Delia Smith
“One of the loveliest food shops I have ever visited.”- Gavanndra Hodge, ES Magazine
“It’s a really picturesque setting and the passion of owner Mark Thomas has made Emmett’s a genuinely world-class food producer.”- Philip Lowery, The Independent 50 Best Food Shop

“Dear Sir or Madam
I was watching a Rick Stein Cookery Prog on TV and he was talking about your bacon and ham.
I am not sure if this letter will reach you but if it gets to you could you let me know if you deal by post, as I would like to have some of your produce.
I am not sure if this letter will reach you but if it gets to you could you let me know if you deal by post, as I would like to have some of your produce.
P.S. I hope this letter gets to you as I didn’t get the full address.”- A customer who had watched ‘Rick Stein’s Food Heroes’
If you have anything you would like to say about Emmett’s Ham just leave a comment below.